Here is a snap shot of the work I do in Wellington for Local Government NZ and Hamilton.
1. Policy advisory group selected by the National Council (including President of Local Government). This group of senior elected members provides guidance and policy on issues such as; water, housing, climate, productivity to both Government and the Local Government across the country.
2. I chaired the organising committee that designs and runs the Local Government Conference. We recently had a very successful conference in Wellington around the topic of "Localism"
3. 3 Waters advisory group ( selected by National Council), preparing early feedback to Government on the management of drinking, waste and stormwater)
4. IVL ( International Visitor Levy Group) recently appointed to provide oversight of the new policy of Government on funding key aspects of tourism and conservation via visitor levies. Appointed by Government.
I work hard to add value to my role in Local Government and enjoy the collaborative work with others to influence positive change in NZ.